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Sam Harcourt

I'm Sam and i'm the lead singer of The Roonies. I found my interest for music in year 8 when I was messing around in my music lesson and my teacher gave me the choice of detention or tidying the music cupboard, I spent the hour trying out all the instruments, did no tidying and got detention anyway. 


I wrote my first song in year 9, I think it was called 'Clouds' and it was awful. I didn't tell anyone at first because I thought my friends would take the mick. I was right, I played the song to a few of them, they laughed and told me how horrific it was, but then they helped and have inspired me and been so supportive ever since.


Tyler Barnard

Hi I'm Tyler and I play drums for the Roonies. I've been expressing myself through music for a long time, I was a gymnast and one of my favourite parts was choreographing my routines. Listening to the music I'd chosen and deciding how I wanted to perform to it was great, and I knew from a young age that I could express myself and be at my best with music. Then I decided I wanted to be a singer and surprise surprise I'm tone deaf, so had to turn to drums, and I'm so glad I did. 


I've been friends with Sam and Ellie for as long as I can remember and we all just clicked, i love making music with them and I hope you love it too :)

Ellie Williams

Hey I'm Ellie and I play the piano and kind of whatever other instruments need playing for The Roonies. I would love to say I can sing but I can't so we just leave that down to Sam. Like Tyler said, the three of us have been friends for most of our lives and to be completely honest, I was one of those friends that took the mick out of Sam when he played us his first song, but it was terrible and I couldn't lie to him. In fact, I like to think that my judgement helped mold him into the artist he is today.


And that's really how I got into creating music, listening, re-listening, giving advice and helping Sam make his first songs, with Tyler as well. Then suddenly we're a group and one of those songs that we spent an endless amount of time on became 'My Kind of Heart', our first No. 1 single, and we've just grown from there.


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